Default Messages Explained

Within Messages you will discover a number of default messages helping you communicate during a campaign. The following Cheat Sheet provides an outline of recommended messages for each campaign type, including message type, audience, triggers, and more. You can simply use the switcher to activate/deactivate the relevant messages. This will save you time as you develop your key campaign messages. 

Appeal Campaigns

Appeal campaigns do not require user signup or account confirmation messages, unlike Peer to Peer campaigns.
Message (Activate) Type Audience Trigger Tip
Donation Thanked
Personal Donors New Donation (For one-time donations) Edit your subject line & content to provide a simple and personal thank you.
Regular Donation Welcome
Personal Donors New Regular Donation (For first recurring donation) Welcome donor to your brand and community and point them to further resources or support.
Donation Receipt
Notification Donors New Donation (For one-time donations)
Regular Donation Receipt
Notification Donors Regular Donation Payment (For subsequent recurring donations)
Regular Donation Failing
Notification Donors Regular Donation Payment Failed Assume it is just an unforeseen error and that donor is still wanting to continue giving.
Regular Donation Cancelled Notification Admins subscription.cancelled

Peer to Peer Campaigns

Peer to Peer campaigns require more messages due to the interaction with Fundraisers and their profiles.
Message (Activate) Type Audience Trigger Tip
Fundraiser Welcome
Personal Fundraisers New Fundraising Profile Welcome Fundraiser to the campaign and provide them with direction with some next steps and expectations.
Donation Thanked
Personal Donors Donation thanked by profile owner Include both your voice and the fundraisers voice in this. Take the opportunity to invite the donor to become a fundraiser.
Donation Receipt
Notification Donors New Donation (For one-time donations)
Donation Notification
Notification Fundraisers & Team Leaders New Donation (For one-time donations)
Help remind fundraisers of their goal and celebrate their progression.
Account Confirmation
System Everyone Account needs confirmation
Password Reset
System Everyone Password reset request

Commonly Used Buttons and Links

Here is a list of commonly used buttons with their respective PURLs (Personalised URLs). These are useful for redirecting new fundraisers to their dashboards or for donors to manage their regular giving as some examples. 
Button URL Audience
Manage Regular Giving {{campaign.url}}/account/donations?access_token={{donation.user.accessToken}} Donors (Regular Givers)
Redirect to Dashboard {{campaign.url}}/dashboard?access_token={{profile.user.accessToken}} Fundraisers
View Profile Page {{campaign.url}}/{{profile.path}} Fundraisers
Account Confirmation https://{{campaign.path}}{{user.newAccessToken}}?access_token={{user.accessToken}} Anyone
Password Reset {{campaign.url}}/reset/{{user.passwordResetToken}} Anyone

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