Hide the "Other" amount for donations

By default, all Raisely donation forms have an "Other" amount field. It lets the donor enter their own amount instead of choosing one of your pre-determined dollar amount buttons.

If you want to, you can hide the "Other" amount field with CSS. This means that people can only select one of your pre-selected buttons, and can't type in their own donation amount. This can be particularly helpful if you're taking membership payments through the Raisely donation form.

To hide the "Other" amount, you need to edit your campaign styles. Here's how:

  1. Go to Design > Custom Styles and expand the Custom Css/Scss box.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the file, and then copy/paste the code below.
.donation-form__other-field {
    display: none;

It should look like this in your CSS editor:

Make sure you "Save Changes" then refresh your web page to check that the other field has been removed 👍.

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