Zapier lets you connect Raisely to 2,000+ other web services. Automated connections called Zaps, set up without coding, can automate day-to-day tasks and build workflows between other tools you use.
Each Zap will have one Trigger, where your information comes from, and one or more Actions (usually other apps), where your data gets sent automatically.
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Getting started with Zapier
Zapier is free to start with, with prices starting from $20USD/month once you need to move more information. You can sign up for your Zapier account here. To get you started, here are some pre-made Zaps:
Connecting Raisely to Zapier
- Log in to your Zapier account or create a new account.
- Navigate to "My Apps" from the top menu bar.
- Now click on "Connect a new account..." and search for "Raisely"
- Use your credentials (found under Settings > API & Webhooks in any campaign) to connect your Raisely account to Zapier.
- Once that's done you can start creating an automation! Use a pre-made Zap or create your own with the Zap Editor. Creating a Zap requires no coding knowledge and you'll be walked step-by-step through the setup.
What you can do with Zapier
When creating a new Zap, you can search for Raisely in both Triggers and Actions. Here are the 'ready-to-go' events available from Raisely:
Triggers | Actions |
New Campaign | Add a Tag |
New Interaction | Add an Interaction |
New Online Donation | Create Offline Donation |
New Person | Create or Update a Person |
New Profile | Remove a Tag |
Profile Updated |
Here are some common integrations you can set up through the Raisely Zapier app.
- Send new donors to a list in Mailchimp
- Sync your fundraisers with Hubspot
- Trigger an ecard email when someone makes a donation
- Send a postcard to new supporters (via Lob)
- Automatically add offline donations from Square
- Complete fundraiser surveys via Google Forms
Using Webhooks to do more
Passing information out of Raisely is easy using Webhooks. Zapier makes it simple in collecting this information and creating automations. To create a Zap using Webhooks, follow these steps:
- 1
- In Zapier, create a new Zap. For the Trigger, select Webhooks by Zapier
- 2
- Select Catch a Hook for the Trigger Event, then Continue. You can choose to 'Pick off a child key' or just select Continue to receive everything from the payload.
- 3
- Copy your Webhook URL
- 4
- In Raisely, from your campaign sidebar select Settings > API & Webhooks.
- 5
Paste in your Webhook URL and select Event/s from the dropdown. Once complete, select Add Webhook.
A good idea is to run an event in Raisely, so you can then test the webhook in Zapier. For example, if you chose Create Profile as your webhook event, then create a dummy profile in Raisely. - 6
- In Zapier, you can now finish your Zap, adding in the Action/s needed to finalise your automation.
For more information on Webhooks and Zapier, see their support guide here.
Need help?
If you have any questions about Zapier, or setting up your zaps, you can reach out to
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