PageBuilder: Creating thoughtful thank you messages

By default, Raisely will show your donors a thank you message on the same page after someone donates. The thank you message can be customised, and used to ask donors to share your campaign. We find this is the best option for most campaigns, it provides a really seamless experience for your donors.

However you can choose to redirect people to a new page if you wish with a little bit of set-up in Raisely.

  1. Go to Settings > Apps & Integrations in your campaign
  2. Switch on the Custom Javascript (Advanced) integration. You should see a dark code box.
  3. In the code box, paste and modify the following code block. You should change /my-page to the page you want to redirect to.

Code to add to your Custom Javascript integration

// redirect single donations
subscribe('donation.success', function() {
  window.location.href ='/my-page';

// redirect regular donations
subscribe('subscription.success', function() {
  window.location.href ='/my-page';

//Redirect after ticket purchase
subscribe('ticketForm.succeeded', function() {
  window.location.href ='/my-page';

🔥 Hot tip: For any changes that involve Custom Javascript, it's important to test them after you've made the change to make sure it works as expected!

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