Pages: Adding Buttons to Page

Use buttons to easily guide and direct your site visitors around your campaign website. Adding them and styling them is easily done from within the page editor.

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Adding a Button Block

Styling and Removing a Button Block

Adding the Donation Button

Adding a Button Block

Within your Page Editor, you'll want to add a  Button Block to your page to get started.

Click the "+" icon and select Buttons under Common Blocks. Click within the Page Preview to place the block
How the buttons are displayed is dependent on the number of columns available in the row
Once happy with the positioning, remember to Save your changes

Styling and Removing a Button Block

To make changes to the Button Block, we'll just need to get into the block settings.


Hover over the Button Block, and you'll see the blue box with the option to select the block settings (gear icon). Select this to open the block settings


Under the General tab, you'll see the option to change the Alignment of the blocks. You'll also see the tabs First, Second and Third Buttons, that maps accordingly to the buttons you see within the page preview. Click into any of the button tabs to begin styling and making changes to the buttons


To remove a button, you'll just need to remove the text within "Button Text" (e.g. First Button Text). You can also choose the Button Style, which is pre-configured within your Design settings. Under First Button Link, you can type in the page path (for an internal page) or the https:// URL for an external page. Finally, you can also add a Custom Class if you are applying CSS changes to your buttons

Hit the green tick and Save your changes

Adding the Donation Button

The Donation Button Block is a powerful tool to make the donation process seamless for your donors. 


Once you've added the Donation Button block to your page, hover over it to get access to the block settings.


Under Display Options, you can choose to display a single "Donate" button, or the actual donation amounts. If you're choosing the Single Button option, you can change the Button text under the Single Button tab. If you're choosing the donation amounts option, you can customise what donation frequency amounts you want to display under the Donations tab

Hit the green tick and Save your changes


### accordion

## expand

# Where do I go to make further changes to the style options for my buttons?

You can change the default appearance for all your button types within Campaign > Design > Buttons. We recommend making changes here, so that you have a consistent look and feel for all your buttons throughout the campaign.

## expand

### accordion

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