Forms: Setting Up Lead Form

Lead forms can be used creatively to collect supporter information and to have the data create new or update existing user records. Some examples of the use of the Lead Form include expression of interest, newsletter subscription and so on.

Depending on the size of your organisation's user database, you may require Raisely Pro to create segments of the lead form submissions. If you intend to use Raisely to send messages to individuals who filled up the lead form, you'll need Raisely Pro to set up a custom message.

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Adding the Lead Form Block

Customising the Lead Form Fields

Accessing the Lead Form Data

Setting up a Custom Message for Lead Form Submissions


Adding the Lead Form Block

To get started, you'll want to add the Lead Form block to a page on your campaign.

Once you've added the Lead Form block, you'll want to access the block settings for further customisation options
We highly recommend that you add a Form Name, which will help you with Google Analytics tracking and also aids in setting up segments later on. 
We also highly recommend adding a Tag  to the form, which will help you to filter for users who have filled up the lead form within your Supporter Management Tool
You can add in a Success Message, that appears after the user has submitted the lead form. The Success Redirect field allows you to type in a custom URL to send your supporter to a different page after they have submitted the form. You can also edit the Submit Button Text based on the context of the submission
You can also add custom fields to your Lead Form. This will need to be added as new Person Fields within your Organisation Custom Fields before you can add it to your Lead Form. More on this in the next section
Once you're happy with the changes, click on the green tick and hit Save on the top right hand corner of the page editor

Customising the Lead Form Fields

The Lead Form shares the same fields as the Sign Up Form. In order to add new fields to your Lead Form, you'll want to first set them up as new Person Fields within your Organisation's custom fields.


To create new Person Fields, go to Organisation > Settings > Custom Field > Person


Create the new Person Field and be sure to set it to Enabled. Once that's done, you'll want to add the new custom field to your campaign's Sign Up Form Fields in order to pull it into the Lead Form


Go back to where you have added the Lead Form block, and on the last step of the block settings you'll be able to pull in the new fields you have created. You can hide the new fields from the Sign Up Form using CSS. If you're not sure of how to do it, reach out to Support for assistance

Accessing the Lead Form Data

All data captured on the lead form will either update an existing User Record or create a new one within the Raisely Supporter Management Tool.


To access the Supporter Management Tool, click on People on the Organisation Dashboard page


You'll want to create a filter to pull all the Users who have made a Lead Form submission. You can create the filter using the "Lead Form Submitted" interaction condition, and specifying the name of the form. Alternatively, you can also filter by the Tag if you had entered one within the Lead Form block settings


Once you have pulled all the relevant data, you can  Apply Filter to view the data. Or you can click on Save as Segment so you can use this list as an Audience Segment when setting up a custom message

🟢 Review Raisely Pro to determine if you need this feature in order to make use of the Lead Form data you have captured.

Setting up a Custom Message for Lead Form Submissions

You might want to receive an alert each time the lead form is submitted. With Raisely Pro, you can set up a custom message that is triggered each time the Lead Form is submitted.


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# How do I hide the fields I have created specifically for my Lead Form from the Sign Up Form?

This will need to be done by adding custom CSS code to hide the fields from your Sign Up Form. If you're not sure of how to do so, reach out to Raisely Support and let us know which are the fields you'd like us to hide.

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