Managing your Campaign Settings

This is your guide for managing your Campaign's general settings. This affects some of the core elements of your campaign like your Campaign name, fundraising goal and other features.

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Campaign Information

General Settings

Campaign Features

Fundraising Profiles


Campaign Information

In this section, you can update your Campaign Name and Fundraising Goal.

From your Campaign Dashboard, go to Settings > Campaign Settings
Under the Campaign Information section, you can change the Name of your campaign as well as your Fundraising goal
Once you're happy with the updates, click on Save changes
This will update all references to your campaign name and fundraising goal throughout your blocks and messages

🟢 The Campaign Currency is set up at the time the campaign was created and this cannot be amended.

General Settings

In this section, you can hide your campaign from search engines and also opt out of Raisely experiments.


From your Campaign Dashboard, go to Settings > Campaign Settings


Under the General Settings, you can toggle on or off the two options

If you toggle On "Discourage search engines from indexing this campaign", it basically hides your campaign from appearing in search results. If you toggle On "Opt out of Raisely Experiments on this campaign", your campaign will not participate in any experiments we run on Raisely
The changes are saved automatically once you switch the toggle

Campaign Features

In this section, you can manage some general features that includes preventing new signups and ticket sales on the campaign.


From your Campaign Dashboard, go to Settings > Campaign Settings and scroll down to the Campaign Features section


The "Enable thanking donors for profile owners" is switched on by default. This allows your profile owners to respond to donors who have donated to their fundraiser profile

The "Enable cookie consent on this campaign" when toggled on displays a banner that allows your site visitor to determine what types of cookies to allow on the campaign site for their browser

The "Prevent new signups and ticket sales on this campaign" is switched off by default. When toggled on, this prevents anyone from completing your signup form or from purchasing tickets in the campaign. This is useful if you have completed registrations and no longer want new signups

Fundraising Profiles

In this section, you can determine what types of fundraising profiles you want to allow on the campaign. Disabling them will prevent you from creating certain profile types.


From your Campaign Dashboard, go to Settings > Campaign Settings and scroll down to the Fundraising Profile section


The "Individual fundraisers" option is toggled on by default and cannot be switched off

The "Team fundraisers" option can be toggled on or off, depending on your campaign requirements. Clicking on Show will allow you to define how a "Team" is displayed across your campaign internally for your reports and campaign dashboard. You can also customise the Maximum Team Size. Remember to hit Save Changes if you have made any updates to the additional options

The "Organisation Fundraisers" option can be toggled on or off, depending on your campaign requirements. Clicking on Show will allow you to define how a "Organisation" is displayed across your campaign internally for your reports and campaign dashboard. Remember to hit Save Changes if you have made any updates to the additional options


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# Can I change my campaign template if I have picked the wrong one from the start?

Although you can't change your campaign template, there are some easy workarounds depending on the type of campaign you had initially selected. For example, if you wanted to set up an Appeal-type campaign, you can simply remove all pages and blocks related to fundraisers and Signup forms. However, you can't convert an Appeal-type campaign to a Peer-to-Peer type campaign as there are certain core elements and pages that are not available (e.g. fundraiser pages). If you need help copying over certain page designs, feel free to reach out to support and we can look into this further with you.

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