Aplos allows organisations to manage their Not For Profit finances, so we've created an easy to use integration that allows Raisely to send the transactional data across to Aplos, in real-time to help with your finances even further.
Connecting your Aplos Account to Raisely
To get started, you need to firstly make sure that you have an Aplos account created. Visit Aplos' website and check out their Raisely-Aplos integration documentation for further information. All steps for the connection will be completed from within Aplos.
Understanding the Integration
Alright, I've set up the integration, and now it's activated. Now what happens?
Raisely will send over all online transactional data to your Aplos account. The transactional data includes one off donations, regular donations and ticket orders. Donations or ticket orders created manually in the admin are not sent to Aplos, and neither are matched donations.
The transactions are sent across to Aplos as contributions, mapping to the purpose and accounts.
- The amount is the donation amount + Raisely & provider fees - in campaign currency.
- The NTD amount is any non-taxable amount (e.g. tickets) - in campaign currency.
- The expense amount includes both Raisely & provider fees - in campaign currency.
If the donor is not known in Aplos, a contact is also created to attribute the contribution to.