Closing an Account

NOTE: Once your account is closed, you will no longer have access to any data or information within. Account closures are permanent and irreversible.

If you are wishing to close an account with Raisely, follow the steps below:

  • Check existing Regular Donations that are being processed in your campaigns. Cancel these donations in the Raisely Supporter Management Tool (People), and notify donor if necessary. You can run a Regular Donations Report to find your regular donors.
  • Detach all Payment Gateways from Campaigns (campaign Settings > Payments & Receipts)
  • Remove all custom domains from Campaigns  (campaign Settings > Domains)
  • Turn off Live Payments for all Campaigns  (campaign Settings > Payments & Receipts)
  • Archive Campaigns in Raisely by simply selecting Archive from the Campaign options ( . . . ) on the main Campaign page
  • Remove Team members from your Organisation settings (Settings > Team)
  • Cancel any plans you might have with Raisely like Raisely Pro or Messages Only (Organisation Settings > Billing > Manage Subscriptions)

Once completed, reach out to our support team to close your account via

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