Forms: Setting Up Ticket Form

Running your events and selling merchandise on Raisely has never been this simple! Here's a quick guide on how to set up your ticket form and manage your ticket attendee fields.

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Ticket Form Settings

Setting up Ticket Types

Ticket Form Attendee Fields

Enabling Tickets within your Ticket or Signup Form


Ticket Form Settings

To get started navigate to Campaign > Tickets > Setup. Here, you'll be able to manage your general Ticket Settings, set up Ticket Types, configure attendee fields and also set up promo codes.

General Ticket Settings

Under the General Ticket Settings, you can manage your Max Capacity. This is the total number of tickets you want to sell for the campaign across all ticket types. You can set this number to limit the number of participants/registrants for your event
You can also set up the Per Order Limit, which limits the number of tickets an attendee can purchase in one transaction
You can also Include ticket sales in campaign fundraising totals. This can be toggled retroactively if you want to include past ticket sales into the campaign fundraising totals if the setting was not enabled previously
Once you're happy, click on Save 

🟢 The sum of the Max Quantity of all your ticket types should not be more than the value you've set for Max Capacity.

Tax Settings

Under the General Ticket Settings, you can indicate how tax is added to your tickets. Depending on the tax requirements for your region, you can choose to include tax in ticket price or add tax at checkout
You can also choose to update the Ticket Tax Rate in Percent, depending on the tax requirements for your region
Once you're happy, click on Save

Display Settings


Under the General Ticket Settings, you can choose to display the remaining number of tickets on your ticket form by enabling the toggle

Once you're happy, click on Save

Promo Codes

On the Tickets Setup page, click on the Promo Codes tab to get started
Click on Add promo code to create your first promotional code
Under Code, you can key in the promotional code that your ticket purchasers will use for the promotion
Under Type of discount, you can choose to set a discount by % or by a fixed dollar value. You can also choose to set a Quantity that limits how many times this promotional code can be used

Under Discount Start / End, you can determine if the discount is always active or only runs for a specific time frame


Once you're happy, click on Add to create the promo code

🟢 Once a promo code has been used, it cannot be deleted and you will only be able to edit the quantity and discount start and end date. Promo codes alway apply to the full transaction amount.

Setting up Ticket Types

This is where you can create tickets, set up registration fees for an event or even sell merchandise for your campaign.


On the Tickets Setup page, click on Ticket Types to get started


Click on Add Ticket Type


When creating the ticket, Ticket Name is the term you will use internally in settings and when you generate reports. Each Ticket Name has to be unique. Ticket Display Name is what your fundraisers will see when purchasing tickets

The ticket price is always set in your campaign currency and cannot be amended
The Max Quantity field allows you to set a maximum number of tickets you'd like to sell per ticket type
You can also include a Description and Display Image that appears under your Ticket Display Name on the ticket form
Similar to setting up Promo Codes, you can also configure when your tickets are available. They can be set to always available or for a specific start and end date
Toggling Enable Ticket Type will set the ticket active and be shown on all your ticket/signup forms by default. Disabling this will hide the ticket type from all your ticket/signup forms. Active ticket types can be manually toggled on and off within your ticket/signup form block settings
Once happy, click on Add to create the ticket type

Ticket Form Attendee Fields

Attendee Fields allow you to capture information on each ticket that is purchased. This can include useful information like Ticket Holder Name, Dietary Requirements, and any other information you would need to capture for each participant.


On the Tickets Setup page, click on Attendee Fields to get started


Click on Add New to add an existing Ticket field or to create a custom field


The process for setting up the field would be the same for how you would set up your Signup Form or your Donation Form fields

You can also choose when to show or hide these fields based on specific conditions, like the Ticket Type that is selected by the ticket purchaser. You can also choose to show or hide these fields based on other attendee fields you have created
Once you're happy, click on Save
You can also choose to add Hidden fields if you'd like to capture information in the background. These fields can still be pulled into reports 

Enabling Tickets within your Ticket or Signup Form

There are two main ways to sell tickets on your campaign. You can choose to enable tickets within your Signup Form block settings or directly through a Ticket Form block. We'll explore how to set up both below.

Enabling Tickets within the Signup Form Block Settings

This is a great idea if you're looking to collect registration fees and any additional merchandise sales as part of the signup process. 


On any page where the Signup Form has been added, click on the block settings


Under General, scroll down to where you see Tickets and select Enable tickets


You can choose to Make ticket purchases mandatory to complete signup. Your participants won't be able to complete the signup process if they do not make a ticket purchase

Next, you can choose which tickets are available in this signup form. The list is based on the tickets you have set to active in the Ticket Setup. To enable the ticket, toggle On
The final settings involve customising the message when tickets have sold out, when tickets are unavailable and also to display an icon for sold out or unavailable tickets
Once you're happy, click on the Green Tick to save the changes

Enabling Tickets within the Ticket Form Block

The great thing about using the Ticket Form block, is that you can set up multiple ticket forms throughout your campaign site, and choose to sell different types of merchandise on each form.

On any page, add the Ticket Form Block. Click on the block settings 
Under General, you'll be able to Enable donations so that you can accept donations together with the ticket/merchandise sales
You can also customise the content that shows up on your Headings, Buttons and your Thank You message. The Tickets tab also allows you to toggle which tickets you want to display on this particular ticket form
Once you're happy, click on the Green Tick to save the changes

🟢 The prices displayed within the Ticket Form are always in your campaign currency to prevent any confusion. 


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# How do I keep my Ticket Receipts separate from my Donation Receipts?

There are two ways to ensure this. Firstly, within the Ticket Form you'll want to disable Donations. This prevents a donation coming through with the ticket purchase. The second thing you'll want to do is to disable tickets within the Signup Form. This will ensure that fundraisers can self-donate without purchasing a ticket.

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# How do I contact ticket purchasers?

By default, all campaigns will have the Order Confirmation Message, with the audience set to Ticket Buyers. You can also set up custom messages to engage Ticket Buyers but this will require Raisely Pro. Alternatively, you could export your Ticket Orders so that you have a list of emails you can use in your external messaging platform.

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# How do I generate a report of orders that contain the attendee fields?

From your Campaign Dashboard, go to Tickets > Attendees and select Export at the top-right hand corner of the screen. This will export a list of each ticket and the corresponding attendee fields on each line.

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# How do I set up group ticketing?

Check out our support article on Setting Up Ticket bundles for the guide!

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