Supporter Management: Understanding Segments

Understanding how Segments work will allow you to create custom audiences for your custom messages. In this article, we'll explore a few common types of segments you can build. After reading through this guide, you should be equipped with the fundamental knowledge of how to use the filter and conditions to build your segments!

Note: If you have more than 2000 people records in your database, you will need Raisely Pro to create custom segments.

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Types of Filters

Example 1: Fundraiser Segments

Example 2: Donor Segments

Example 3: Leads/EOI Segment

Example 4: Email Bounce Segment


Types of Filters

The first thing you'll want to get familiar with is the types of filters that are available using the segment tool.



This first filter determines if the segment you are pulling needs to either meet ALL of the conditions or just ANY of the conditions. So if you need to have the segment precisely meeting your specific requirements, it's better to opt for ALL.



Once you click into the box to start searching for a filter, the first category you'll see would be any segments you have created previously. Selecting a segment will allow you to add new filters to the segment, and create a new segment from there. 

If you'd like to view the segment, select Apply filter. Otherwise, you can click on Save as Segment, where you can give a name to the new segment you have created. 



The second category in the list are Fields. This refers to any Core or Custom Fields you have within your Raisely Organisation. When selecting a field, you'll be asked to choose a method of comparisonAnd the final step would be to enter the value for comparison: 

If you're not sure what values are available for a specific field, we recommend running a report for the relevant data category (e.g People/Profile/Donation report).



The third category in the list are Relations. This refers to type of relationship the People record has to the organisation. Some examples would be Number of Donations for Donors, or Number of Profiles for Profiles. This filter will be used as the initial building block when trying to create a segment pulling from a certain data category (i.e. Donors, Fundraisers etc.). Once you have selected the initial Relation, you'll get to choose a comparison and a value: 



The final category in the list are Interactions. This refers to any interactions that a Person might have with the organisation. Some examples would be Lead Form Submitted, Fundraising Goal Achieved or Email Bounced. Once you select the initial Interaction, you'll be given more conditions to specify what exactly you are looking for: 

Final Tips

When applying a filter, you always want to click on the "Inner Tick" before selecting the "Outer Tick". This ensures that you are saving the filters appropriately:

If you encounter an error message, this usually relates to a bad filter or a condition that does not exist. It's always good practice to check that the data exists by viewing an individual Person record to confirm that the segment you're trying to pull is valid.

Finally, if you need to make changes to a filter, you'll just need to click on the filters button to re-open the segment builder: 

🟢 When pulling a segment, we always recommend doing a random check to ensure that the People records you are pulling match your requirements. You can do this by clicking into individual People records to verify the data.

Example 1: Fundraiser Segments

In this section, we'll cover some of the most commonly requested Fundraiser Segments. 

Fundraisers from Different Campaigns


The first thing you'll want to do, is to select a Relations filter. We recommend using Number of Profiles | Greater than | 0. This allows you to call up the Fundraiser Data: 


Once the first main condition has been saved, you can start to add sub conditions. Since we're trying to pull fundraisers from different campaigns, we will select the first campaign in the first sub condition. Don't forget to click the "Inner Tick" first before selecting the "Outer Tick": 

Now that you've saved the first condition, you'll need to create a separate condition to pull in fundraisers from the other campaign. You'll want to click on the "Outer +" sign and select OR
You'll see a new box created, where you'll replicate Steps 1 - 2. The final product would be two separate boxes, connected by the OR condition. This allows you to pull in Fundraisers from both campaigns
Once done, hit Apply filter to verify that the segment created is what you are looking for. You can select Save as Segment once you're ready to use this segment in a message.

Example 2: Donor Segments

In this section, we'll cover some of the most commonly requested Donor Segments. 

Regular Donors for a Specific Campaign


The first thing you'll want to do, is to select a  Relations filter. We recommend using Number of Regular Donations | Greater than | 0:


Once the first main condition has been saved, you can start to add  sub conditions. Since we're trying to pull a list of Regular Donors from a specific campaign, we'll choose a campaign for the sub condition: 

Once you have saved the Main and Sub conditions, hit Apply filter so you can do a check on a few People records. If you're happy with the results, click on Save as Segment

Example 3: Leads/EOI Segment

In this section, you'll learn how to pull a segment of People who have made submissions on the Lead form. For more information on how the Lead Form works, you can refer to Forms: Setting Up Lead Form.


The first thing you'll want to do is to search for Lead Form Submitted under the Interactions field type. Set this as the main condition


Next, you will set the sub condition. You can choose either the Form Name or Page URL, which you would have set when creating the Lead Form block

Once you're happy, click on the tick to save the conditions. Apply filter to verify the People records . If custom fields were added to the Lead Form, you can add the additional columns to view the data

Go back to filter and select Save as Segment to save this for use in a custom message

Example 4: Email Bounce Segment

In this section, you'll learn how to pull a segment of People where the emails have bounced for a specific message type.


The first thing you'll want to do is to search for Email Bounced under the Interactions field type. Set this as the main condition


Next, you will set the sub condition. You'll have the option to select the specific message where you're trying to pull the stats for from a dropdown list

Once done, click on the tick to save the conditions. Apply filter to view the list of People records 

If necessary, you can review the email addresses to verify if there might be any typos or issues with the email format


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# What do I do if I'm constantly getting an error while setting up my filters?

There could be a number of factors that lead up to this issue. If this is the case, you'll want to exit the People page first by clicking into any other page. Once done, you can click back into People to work on your filters again.

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